What: Jogging is slow running it takes a longer time so you can last longer to clear your mind.
Who: Arthur Lydiard-he's a NZ coach and he does athletics.
When: 1950’s.
How: American coaches used to practise with their athletes ability.
Why: It makes people fit and helps build stamina/strength to be a good at athletics.
Where, NZ
Here's a link to find out more about jogging
Kia Rhiannon, what an awesome description about jogging. I really liked how you explained why jogging is a great exercise. Next time, why don't you put you a colon ":" instead of a comma after your what, when, why, where. For example "What:" instead of "What,". I myself love jogging and find it very therapeutic. Do you enjoy jogging?
Iritana Bennett
Thanks for commenting on my blog and i do enjoy jogging